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Crew Tamminga’s Birth Story

I have to say that this was probably one of the hardest most rewarding jobs I’ve had yet. If you love a good story then go ahead and keep reading. If you just wanted to see pictures then go ahead and skip over this part.

I met with Kyle and Heather after they reached out to our community for their photography needs. Someone suggested Kara Hanes Photography so Heather asked if I’d consider doing this. With her explaining the birth of her last two children she knew it wouldn’t be one that lasted very long and that it would be pretty predictable (well, as predictable as you can be.) One of the hardest parts was the weeks leading up to this day. Making sure my camera bag was packed, batteries fully charged, and to be ready for anything. Heather would continue to ask her doctor if having me in the room was still an option with COVID restrictions changing frequently. Her doctor assured her this was fine so together Kyle and myself were her cheerleaders and man this was so hard not to step in to try and make everything better because my heart just aches when someone is in need. However I promised to try and sit back as much as possible to try and be just “the photographer”. Keep reading…

Tuesday morning Heather had her routine OB appointment and because she delivers rather quickly the doctor said that it would be better to try and move things along at her appointment so it wouldn’t be a sudden surprise. Heather informed me of this mid afternoon and that she would keep me posted. Around 5pm she texted me saying that she was having some pain coming and going but she was going to try and get a few things done before heading in. Minutes later she then let me know that as soon as Kyle got home they were heading to the hospital. This was when I decided to head to the hospital just in case (of course after I offered her a ride incase Kyle wasn’t fast enough). Kyle was ready to go but Heather wanted to get the kids food and see them before heading in. (Yes you read that right and those boys are definitely lucky that a momma like her thinks of them even in her time of need). This isn’t the first time during her labor that she put a little bit on hold either. As we all arrived to the hospital I met her at triage. She requested that she skip it but they told her it was policy that she be seen by them before being admitted. As we entered a room we waited for what seemed like the longest 15 minutes. The nurse offered her pain medications but said that she shouldn’t have them within an hour of delivery. Heather then assured her that she would skip it because she knew she would be delivering within the hour. The delivery nurse finally met with them and assured her that Heather would be admitted. It was time to go up to the delivery floor. Heather requested to walk because she knew it would be much faster and she had no desire to deliver in triage.

We arrived to her room and as the doctor checked her she was 6cm dilated. Since we were finally to the room the doctor came in and asked if she would like her water to be broken. Heather decided that she would like to wait until it’s necessary because as soon as it was she would be delivering and she wanted to process a little longer since everything was happening so fast. We hit our hour mark from when she assured her nurse she’d have a baby and decided to hold on just a little longer. No more than twenty-five minutes went by and the nurse checked and she was 9cm and that baby was more than ready. With the doctor about to head into surgery with another patient Kyle and Heather decided that now would be time.

Kyle was eager to be involved with their child’s delivery. He requested that he be able to help catch the baby. As Kyle was getting on his gloves the doctor prepared him for what was about to happen and how to assist her with the catch. The doctor broke heather’s water and instantly Baby Boy Tamminga arrived. Without further adieu I introduce to you, Crew William Tamminga who entered the world at 8:46pm (90 minutes after mom and dad arrived to the hospital) weighing in at 7lb 11oz and 21 1/2 inches long.

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I'm Kara, West Michigan Photographer, Wife, Mom of two kids and our sweet Maltipoo. I hope you stay a while or reach out to chat!



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with tons of information on how to maximize your senior session and plan to make it your own. I've got lots of resources for my high school seniors.

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